
New Collection - Daisy Buchanan

The 'Gatsby' ring

News / Press

Daisy Buchanan, lover of Jay Gatsby from Scott Fitzgeralds' "The great Gatsby" (1929), portrays the woman who loves 'héritage', and has a penchant for jewelry with a soul and a story. She is a tad nostalgic, and deliberately chooses designs from the past, due to their authenticity. Jewels from the last century, the roaring twenties, art deco, art nouveau, find their listening ear here.Daisy Buchanan, lover of Jay Gatsby from Scott Fitzgeralds' "The great Gatsby" (1929), portrays the woman who loves 'héritage', and has a penchant for jewelry with a soul and a story. She is a tad nostalgic, and deliberately chooses designs from the past, due to their authenticity. Jewels from the last century, the roaring twenties, art deco, art nouveau, find their listening ear here.


This ring features 'Natural Fancy Intense Pink' diamonds in the entourage around the central radiant. This ring is soft and feminine: just like Daisy Buchanan, who Jay Gatsby lost his heart to.


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